Born in Buenos Aires in 1978, Fernando Naselli studied Fine Arts and later moved to Madrid, where he began his career working for major advertising agencies in Spain, shooting professional assignments for brands like Coca Cola, Mercedes Benz, Vodafone, Toyota, BBVA, Movistar, Samsung and Repsol, among many others.These works earned him numerous awards at international festivals such as Cannes advertising, El Sol, FIAP or One Show.
In 2008 he started collaborating with Madriz magazine, with which he developed a series of projects that illustrate the front covers and inside pages of 15 issues, projects with which he later on edited a book. In these series, with Madrid as a common feature, Maselli develops his particular vision of the city, where the symmetry, composition and light, become its most important elements.
Parallel to his commercial work, Maselli has developed a career in the world of contemporary art, being currently represented by the prestigious Luis Adelantado Gallery. His latest projects are closely related to the natural landscape, where through documentation and conceptualization processes, he seeks to captivate the viewer in a moral and sentimental reflection on nature.
His work has won numerous awards including the SPD – Society of Publication Designers (New York), the W-CA Contemporary Landscape Photography Open (UK), the Youth Arts Award from the Complutense University (Spain), the XV International Call for young Artists Gallery Luis Adelantado (Spain). His work has been selected to participate in the Copenhagen Photo Festival(Denmark), NordArt 2014 (Germany), 13th Mostra Internacional Gas Natural Fenosa of Spain and the 15th China International Photographic Art Exhibition. Maselli has made exhibitions in art galleries such as Luis Adelantado, Pilar Cubillo, Mad is Mad, at the CEART – Tomás y Valiente Art Center in Fuenlabrada, the Alicante Institute of Culture Juan Gil Albert, Alicante, Spain and has been in several art fairs such as Casa // Arte, OFF Art Fair Brussels, the Spanish photography fair Jääl and ZONA MACO in Mexico DF.