CUBA, 1954
Born in Havana, Cuba in 1954. She began her painting studies at the end of the 60's in the United States. She’s lived in Mexico City since 1972. She graduated from the School of Architecture of the Anahuac University, Mexico in 1978. Later on she studied painting, drawing and engraving with renowned teachers.
At the Universidad Iberoamericana, she took the Diplomat in Plastic Arts in 1992, and the Diplomat of Artistic Experimentation: The Human Figure in 2000. In the year 2002 she studied the Diplomat of Art Therapy in Mexico City.
Her work has participated in nineteen individual exhibitions and more than one hundred and fifty collective exhibitions in Mexico and abroad.
Appointed honorary member of The Florida Museum of Latin American Art, she is a member of the Mexican Society of Authors of the Plastic Arts.
She currently works in her workshop in Mexico City.